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Captain Robin and the Green Ogre

Photo by Artem Kniaz on Unsplash

Robin is just a boy of nine

Yet his dreams aren’t far from grand

When kids his age play with toys

He craves for a pirate band

Lost in thoughts he lingers all day

Deep in a world of dreams

His trance is not so easy to break

Unless his mamma screams

School is a pain and so are rules

He longs to fly with the breeze

Mundane life is but full of shackles

For a pirate from the high seas

He wants to be the daring Sindbad

Or perhaps Captain Sparrow of the legends

He wants perhaps to rule the seas

And find where the horizon bends

So Robin sets out in his dream

To look for the city of gold

His pirate ship sails the seven seas

Till it comes to a sea cave old.

He swims in with the ebbing tide

The cavern is creepy and dark

As his eyes get used to the lack of light

He thinks he sees a spark

A tolling bell from somewhere distant

Seems to ring a distinct chime

He swims towards the source of sound

And reaches a tunnel of lime.

There at the end of the stinking tunnel

Flickers a little fire

And from within flows a broken tune

The sounds from a broken lyre

With a thumping heart he makes his way

Towards the flickering light

When a hurtful ding of a massive bell

Sets a thousand bats to flight

Out of wits in this eerie darkness

Robin stops to take a breath

He senses someone coming towards him

And the putrid smell of death.

From the darkness comes a hoarse cackle

Appears an ogre filthy and large

The pirate grips his cutlass tight

Ready to slash and charge

‘Come on in pirate’ rasped the aged ogre

And beckoned with a toothless grin

‘Been waiting for you all this time,

Three quarters of a century it’s been.’

Wary of the awful monster,

Yet curious of what lies ahead

The young buccaneer follows the giant

His blade ready to sever its head

He follows behind the crooked old ogre

Into the depths of the limestone tunnel

He senses the reality receding as if

They have walked right into a bubble

By the fire before a raised altar

The monster sits upon the floor

In the altar stands a huge bronze bell

The one that had tolled before

The ogre twirls his gnarly fingers

And casts a magic spell

Bemused, the pirate just looks on

As a fog engulfs the bell

The bell starts chiming, it seems from far

And it lifts the misty curtain

And lo behold a set of golden letters

Gleams on the gong for certain

The pirate looks with a burning gaze

For he has found at last his clue

He looks at the giant’s wrinkled face

The ogre winks and bids adieu

Before his eyes the bubble breaks

Vanishes the bell and fire

Slowly the figure melts away

Of the ogre with his broken lyre

The pirate runs out of the tunnel

Released from the magic spell

With his heart pounding in excitement

He lets out a triumphant yell

Captain Robin boards his ship

And he takes his place at the wheel

The brigands turn the ship around

And cry out ’El Dorado’ with zeal

‘City of gold, here I come’,

Robin cries out in his sleep

His mamma yells for him to rise

He gets out of bed with a leap.

The boy looks out of his bedroom window

The sun has risen high

He comes to terms with this ‘real’ world

And lets out a mournful sigh.

The golden city of El Dorado

Eludes him but one more time

‘Plenty of years’, the young pirate mutters

He is yet to reach his prime.

Read more of Abhigyan's creation here.

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