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Discovering the Beauty of Omaha's Summer Floral Symphony

Clicked in the Summer of 2019

Although short, I will never forget the time I spent in Omaha. This is for many reasons, as I got the opportunity to research cancer and explore a bit about it. Also, this stint gave me hope that scientific research can indeed find cures for deadly diseases and introduce circumventing technologies to prolong human life.

During my second year in Omaha, I started feeling dizzy and experienced body pain in different parts of the body. I forgot the medical terminology for the pain that I received, but it’s just a terminology to make me feel relevant about the condition, however, there was no cure to this problem as it’s not biologically diagnosable.


I like nature's design a lot, amazing flowers!

Not to get into the pain side of my story. During my PhD in New York and my Postdoc at Omaha, I always enjoyed summertime. And not just me, everyone else enjoyed the Great American Summer. I got the opportunity to visit many cities and capture different shades of America. This blog is dedicated to the nature that surrounds us but, of course, isn’t a complete picture as there is a lot more to nature than our eyes meet.

Water droplets hanging from the root!

Once during the rainy season I ventured near the university and found water droplets hanging from the stem. So got intrigued and captured it through my lens.

I think I can name this one, look like Rose?

On most of the weekends, I would travel areas near to Johns Street and click beautiful flowers.

A beautiful curve to this flower!

There is vastness in this one!

Purple on green!

Wandering up on the trail, I also got to witness the dilapidated building and the nature that had occupied its space. Many amazing flowers had grown which I had not seen earlier in my life. Possibly, due to my ignorance.

A Bee on the flowers

Once I was strolling past the university and encountered bees feeding on the nectar near the bushy sidewalks. Finding it amazing, I clicked this nature’s way of survival in the wild.

Pleasant sunshine on it!

Bloom in process, notice the spider web!

Great view!

After I joined the Photography Club of Omaha, I got to attend the barbeque on the city outskirts. The host had a beautiful house in a remote area surrounded by a huge piece of farmland. I clicked various flowers there also, which was my last encounter with nature in the US before I returned to India that December.

NOTE: If anyone knows the names of these flowers, please amplify them in the comments. I will gladly recognize your efforts and publish on the blog.

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