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Photo by Илья Мельниченко on Unsplash

According to Wikipedia, a dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. While some advancements have been made to study its function and if it has any consequences on our lives, not much is understood about it. The famous hollywood movie “inception” based on dreams explores a novel way of interlinking them to human lives. This movie suggests that we can act in our dreams through machines thereby changing the course of something dangerous. By stopping the danger in our dreams, we can stop it from happening in real life, if I am not wrong.

How RONE is associated with dreams?

As someone who only focused on the problems at hand, my encounter with dreams has been similar to the movie “inception” in the recent past. Of course, I am not trying to save the world from any danger or for that matter had any association with the mad scientists, but still, the dreams in the recent past have been puzzling. Just last week, one or two hours in my sleep I felt a strong force in my body possibly due to my reaction to the dream and I got chills. However, I uncoupled it by distracting myself for some time and thereafter had a sound sleep for the rest of the night.

As a child, I once got a high fever and was sleeping to recover from it. Suddenly, I jumped from the bed and my mother then asked me, why did you jump? I said, “To get out of my dream”! On another instance as a child, during this fever I started crying because I was imagining something becoming bigger and bigger and so couldn’t cope with how big it had become in my mind, this was way back in the 90s.

Just in 2022, I had the same feeling when I suffered from Covid. Surprisingly during that one day of high fever when I confined myself to a room, my eyes just couldn’t see anywhere but up. I was constantly looking up without any reason and as I tried to close my eyes, I started imagining the same “something” becoming bigger and bigger. Eventually, as my fever subsided I was able to see freely but that “Genjutsu” from the famous Naruto-led Uchiha clan didn’t leave me for that very night and some other nights. Usually, my way of dealing with such situations is to keep moving my head or try to distract myself by thinking something else or chanting mantras. Later, I discussed this with one of my friends who told me this kind of activity occurs in those people who usually are high on drugs. I was all the more surprised as to why did it happen to me.

Another aspect related to dreams that happened in the last few years is, I have had pain in different parts of the body sometime early in the morning soon after having a dream, which more or less looked like a live episode of a show. I don’t usually follow what I dreamt of after waking up, and there is no connection between dreams on different days. More so, it appears like random events occurring and some sort of story is being played wherein I have to make decisions. I don’t recall the dream, but remember that once I had pain later in the morning after I failed or succeeded in my dream story. But it is more complicated than it appears as I think that other participating people impersonate those I have met in my life and are somehow important to me.

If the future of our dreams is the movie “Inception”, we will have a lot more going on in our lives than we currently are already dealing with!!


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