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The California Dream

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

I had moved to the US for my graduate studies in 2010 (Read my blog “My PhD experience…”). My first semester was busy with coursework, without any research pressure, and so I planned to travel in Dec’10 after the semester got over. I had a PhD qualifying exam in the beginning of January but still I decided a trip to California in the winter break.

It was mainly because my friend was in the US due to his company project and four of us planned a trip. We decided to visit San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and Las Vegas. Except for Las Vegas, we had friends in all the remaining three cities. No wonders!

Downtown, San Francisco City

Golden Gate Bridge, SF City

After reaching SF, we rented a car (I think Mazda 3) and visited our friend’s place. There we saw Navy Pier, Golden Gate Bridge, etc. spending a couple of days. We also by chance barged into our German friends from UofBuffalo, and had dinner with. It was fun all along exploring the new city. Mind you, except for occasionally dining out we mostly ate Indian food which we had purchased from a nearby store.

I will tell you later how much we spent on the whole trip!

San Francisco to Los Angeles: On the way!

We drove to LA from SF. NOTE: Only one guy drove the whole time as he had the license to drive there. Overall, it was tiring for him but being a tough nut, he managed. Since I am writing this story now, you know that I am alive and he drove just fine!

Universal Studios, LA

In LA we went to some of our friends studying at the University of Southern California. We stayed in their apartment for a few days. Here, we visited Universal Studios, Bowling Alley and Beverly Hills. Who wants to miss seeing the famous HOLLYWOOD sign while in the very famous LA! Also, experienced standing in a long line at clubs near the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

San Diego Water Park

Next stop was San Diego, here one of my close friends was staying. He had a big apartment where he was staying alone, and so we had fun. While at San Diego, we went to Hooters (Anyone aware of it?), San Diego Museum and Water Park. It was a mix of different experiences that we will cherish for a long long time.

On the way to Las Vegas

Our Final stop was Vegas. On our way, a helicopter picked us over-speeding and police gave us a hefty fine. But, all went fine as it was December 31st when we reached Vegas. Being in the US, I wanted to experience Mustang so we changed our car to it but because our driver was a bulky person so barely made it in, so we changed back to Mazda 3.

The Strip in Vegas is just magnificent. You have to see it live to feel it. I don’t have a single photo from Vegas, as they say “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”!

We spent only a day there and drove back to San Francisco. It was an odd 13 – 14 hrs drive which my friend completed with a brief stop. We only stopped at 7-11 to fill gas and get an energy drink for him.

Alcatraz Island, SF City

On reaching SF, we had some time before flying back and so we utilized our time at Alcatraz Island. Seeing an old prison transformed into a museum was a great experience.

Overall, we spent approximately 2000 $ each for a trip lasting about 8 - 10 days. On reaching Buffalo, I started preparing for my PhD qualifying exam and passed it with flying colors.

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