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Way to Referencing

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

Having studied in the US school for my PhD, the first thing my PI taught me was the usage of reference managers. As someone in the business of publishing manuscripts; be it review, research, book chapters, short communications and project proposals, one needs to know the art of managing references. From what you may or may not know, there are few top-notch reference management softwares: Endnote, Mendeley and Zotero which are accessible to institutes globally. Amongst these, Mendeley and Zotero can be downloaded freely as a desktop version or used online. However, my personal experience with Endnote has been phenomenal. Although, it is a paid download but a one-time purchase will guarantee smooth addition of references/ bibliographies to any word file. Here is a guide to use Endnote ( You can reach out to me for any help on Endnote however in my opinion google will be sufficient to solve any query you may have regarding it.

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